Sumif multiple criteria different columns. 903. Sumif multiple criteria different columns

 903Sumif multiple criteria different columns  I have used this formula:Sum cell values with one criterion in Excel

This matches the value calculated by our. As the formula is copied down column F, the SUMIFS formula will generate. The “SUMPRODUCT” function shows its true diversity when we use this function for both columns and rows. 2. 1. Download the workbook here: solve this with SUMPRODUCT: COUNTIFS function provides plenty of opportunities to count cells under different criteria across multiple columns or rows. SUMPRODUCT – total based on multiple criteria. ”. That’s where the next function comes in…. Sum up unique values in column per criteria in other column (if columns are filtered) 1. . SUMIFS – total based on multiple criteria. Here’s a formula you can use to acomplish this: =SUMIFS(D2:D11,A2:A11,”South”,C2:C11,”Meat”) The result is the value 14,719. We use SUMIFS function for that. The first criterion is for the start dates that are equal to April 15, 2021, and the second criterion is for the finish dates. A11, the column of data where criteria1 “South. ) where: sum_range: The range of cells to sum. 5. But Mike has two rows matching the criteria. Excel for Microsoft 365: Change Width of Columns Based on Column. Underneath (Row 3 - Row 230) each header are counts. You also learn how to do sumifs using multiple with multiple criteria and columns. Apply SUMIFS with INDEX MATCH for Multiple Columns and Rows: 5 Easy Steps. The syntax of the SUMIF function has room for only one condition. Select the range of cells to be summed up. ]) Where: Sum_range (required) - the range to be summed. . How to Use SUMIFS for Date Range with Multiple Criteria: 7 Quick Methods. The SUMIF formula returns the sum of cells based on one criterion (a result that matches one condition). Whereas Excel SUMIF function returns the sum of cell values in a range that meets only one specified criterion (single criteria). . The sum_range is the range I want to sum, D2:D19. We saw in the section above how the SUMPRODUCT. =SUMIFS(U:U,S:S,C7,Q:Q,"<=" & A7) The following in VBA appears to be ignoring the Date Criteria and giving the overall grand total before and. ) From the syntax, we can see that it should work for multiple criteria and criteria ranges. Not allowing me to combine a sumproduct and sumif function in excel. Jul 26, 2012. Sum with OR AND Criteria. I am building a nested formula and looking to sum QTY based on multiple criteria in one part of it. Hi Please can you help. The SUMIFS function sums cells in a range that meet one or more conditions. SUMIF(criteria_column, criterion, sum_column) criteria_column – The data column that is tested against criterion. The yellow highlighted values are the cells which are matching with the conditions. I'm trying to add (sum) values with some conditions over an arbitrary non-contiguous cell range in a spreadsheet. The following example shows. factor))) %>% summarise (across (where (is. SUMPRODUCT with SUM function Across Multiple Sheets. = SUMPRODUCT ( (criteria_range=criteria)* (sum_range)) Criteria_range: This is the range in which criteria will be matched. The easiest way to sum multiple ranges using the SUMIF function is to add an extra column known as the helper column. Say, it "looks up" row and column values and sums up every column values by them. Range: the data range that will be evaluated using the criteriaOur solution is to wrap ( i. Enter the Sumproduct with multiple criteria formula at the Sum Value cell or the cell I:4. If you remember the syntax of the INDEX function, then you might have understood the array, row, and column numbers inside the INDEX function. Excel’s SUMIFS function makes it easy to sum columns based on different criteria. I would like to make my formula adaptable to changes. Original Formula. 3. Description. Learn how to calculate a conditional sum for multiple columns of data using a formula based on SUM function and the FILTER function. And the two criteria outputs are {FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE} and. Hope I interpeted. =DSUM(B4:F11,"Profit",H4:I6) We can conclude by saying that if there are multiple criteria in one data column, DSUM is more usable than SUMIFS. . 3. Learn how to use Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF functions to sum values by multiple criteria in Excel 365, 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and lower. Its taking a lot of time in writing multiple sumifs statement and I have many sheets to work on. Excel SUMIF Example. To sum data by group you can use the SUMIF function or the SUMIFS function. Base on this dataset: A1 B1 C1 D1 B X u 11 B X u 22 A X t 22 B X t 22 I'm using the following formula: Step 2: In the Data tab, go to the “data tools” section. SUMIF function in Excel. PassCount =. The SUMIFS function, one of the math and trig functions, adds all of its arguments that meet multiple criteria. But it is very robust, and needs to be changed manually if the initial table is changed. This function is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets, as it helps you to get the SUM of the actual cells that meet the criteria. An array constant is a. 04-28-2022 04:32 PM. Here we leave the placeholder for the row number. In this example, the formula multiplies all numbers in column C by 0, and all numbers from column H by 1. Step 4: In the “data validation” dialog box, select “list” under “allow” criteria. criteria_range1 is. I have an Excel spreadsheet with four columns, call them A, B, C, and Value. Sales WHERE salesperson_ID = @salesperson_ID AND date_ordered BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date AND closed = 1 GROUP BY. Essentially trying to get the sum of cost for each person and if it's split I want to add that to Person1 or Person2's total. Note that the shape of each criteria_range must be the same as the shape of the sum_range. The. The formula for the Sumproduct example: =SUMPRODUCT ( (C2:C10<B2:B10)*1) Select the set of numbers from cell B2:F8, or you can type the cell reference to the open bracket and then close the bracket after typing and completing. Criteria_range1 (required) - the range of cells to be evaluated by criterion1. This function will allow you to do exactly what you want to do, see the SUMIFS documentation. 1. Suppose we want to calculate the total for Large products in New York: The SUMIFS function to calculate the total for two conditions, Large and New York, is: =SUMIFS (D2:D11,B2:B11,"New York",C2:C11,"Large") which gives an answer. The same result can be achieved by subtracting one Countif formula from another. This is a similar problem to Using ARRAYFORMULA with SUMIF for multiple conditions combined with a wildcard to select all values for a given condition, but trying to get the sum of the first column by all months of a given year. However, I don’t know how to use the function to get the sum of two columns in multiple sheets using sumif and indirect. For example, the simplest SUMIF formula =SUMIF (A2:A10,">10") adds the values in cells A2 to A10 that are larger than 10. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. We use SUMIFS function for that. SumIf method, where the syntax is. Here the total will be calculated. Another way to use COUNTIFS is to use the same criteria with more than one criteria_range. Step 1 – Type the formula. SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria for Columns. For example, the formula =SUMIF (B2:B5, "John", C2:C5) sums only the. This isn't necessary with the SUMIF function. In this Excel formulas an function tutorial, you'll learn how to sum values based on MULTIPLE criteria that are in the SAME column. See formula examples with AND and OR logic, and compare the syntax and usage of both functions. Columns A and B are Criteria_Ranges, and all other columns are possible Sum_Ranges. Modified 30 days ago. . In this case, the sum I want would be (3x3)+(5x3)= 24. Step 3 Example. . But my formula: =SUMIF(Sheet3!E:E,"ABC",Sheet3!K:O) is adding only one column. Average one column based on multiple criteria in other columns; essentially a plural AVERAGEIF, allowing you to add multiple filter. Then, we will take that to the next level and learn how to use multiple sum_ranges in the conditional sum. . Putting this all together, and using the mocked-up data table below, this formula. Or if you just want to show the first instance (where it says France for example) then use. 0. Hit the Enter key to return the total amount. I know how to do multiple criteria in a single column which is done like this "=SUM (SUMIFS (C2:C17,A2:A17, {"Europe","USA"},B2:B17,"Alpha"))". The following. We can apply the SUMPRODUCT function with multiple criteria with or without the double unary operator. Steps: Firstly, add a helper column as Subtotal adjacent to the range. Step 2: Then, enter the arguments in the Function Arguments window. In the 2nd argument select the range C5:C13 and select Cell D15 as the 1st criterion for John. 893939 #2 SUF200001035014 BEPA 5. Step 02: Checking the Drop-Down Button. Both the sumproduct and sumif functions have multiple criteria. This is great technique when you. This Excel Tutorial. In some situations, you can use the SUMIFS function to perform multiple-criteria lookups on numeric data. Sum with OR Criteria. First, here are other ways that you can sum with single or multiple criteria. As a result, the lookup. Within each set, view conditions musts be true (AND logic) AN single is accumulated if any firm about conditions are true (OR logic) In the above Google Sheets SUMIFS multiple criteria example, the function checked each cell from B2 to B9, C2 to C9, and D2 to D9 to find cells that satisfy all three conditions – “Manufacturing”, “ New York ” and “ <01/01/2020 ” respectively. =SUMIFS (A2:A9, B2:B9, "=A*", C2:C9, "Tom") Adds the number of products that begin with A and were sold by Tom. We can immediately see the results in cell E4. sum_range is the range of cells that will be added up. Sum of data across multiple columns & rows based on Criteria. " In your case that would be. For example, you may want to sum the values in the Points column of the following dataset based on the corresponding value in the Team column: Fortunately this is easy to do using the UNIQUE and SUMIF functions in Excel. It's true that you don't get row totals if you're showing several different variables in the pivot table. COUNTIFS function can handle multiple criteria as arguments and counts the cells only when all the criteria are TRUE. 2. I am looking for DAX for the below condition where get the SUM of Count for each individual TestName and Success column for that individual date. Working cell formula where column C is the Ticker in StockHistory Table and column A is the Date. SUMIFS with Multiple Criteria for Multiple Columns to Sum. Maybe the values you want to add correlate to text rather than numbers. Range1 – required argument. =SUMIF (range, criterion, [sum_range]) range – these are all of the cells being evaluated: from the first with a particular condition to the last. Public Function pruneRange(Prune_range As Range, Criteria_range As Range) As Range Dim Out_R As Range Dim Str As String ActiveWorkbook. To sum based on multiple criteria using OR logic, you can use the SUMIFS function with an array constant. LODs are less intuitive but more powerful when mastered, and they’re critical to advancing in Tableau. Using SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria for Different Columns. So I found SUM (IF (. Explanation of the formula: =SUMIF (B4:B14,"John",C4:C14) + SUMIF (B4:B14,"David",C4:C14) The first SUMIF (B4:B14,"John",C4:C14) finds the rows of John. Next, define the criteria based on which Excel must sum the values. Example #2 – Determining Sum Based on Matching Criteria in Different Work Sheets. One challenge is that the ranges are different sizes in the "Test Data" google sheet linked below. I have used this formula:Sum cell values with one criterion in Excel. FRT column might be in B one time and another time in column D). Select the range of cells to be summed up. That is probably because you have the cells formatted ad DATE - change that formatting to GENERAL, and see if that works. =sumproduct (sumifs (C1:C9,B1:B9,G1:G3,D1:D9,G4:G5)) = 400. WorksheetFunction. I'm trying to write a SUMIFS formula where the range for the first piece of criteria spans multiple columns as shown in the example formula below: =SUMIFS (Sheet2!N:N,Sheet2!O:Z,Sheet1!A3) So the value in A3 on Sheet1 can appear in any column between O and Z in Sheet2 over multiple rows. It contains the. With the caveat that range and sum area are not right next to each other. The SUMIFS function can sum values in a range conditionally based on multiple criteria. Next, write down the SUMIFS function. Have you considered just adding the two together? Meaning if you are trying to sum what is in column B and column C (bothing having to meet the same criteria) then the formula would look like: =SUMIF (criteria range,"criteria",B2:B100)+SUMIF (criteria range, "criteria",C2:C100). It is optional; if you leave it out, Excel will check the. For each matching row, the function selected the corresponding hours worked value from. Learn how to use Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF functions to sum values by multiple criteria in Excel 365, 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and lower. Now comparing multiple SUMIF's, each in its own cell, vs MMULT isn't so easy. Learn how to sum columns based on column header and on criteria. Let’s learn! 2. I have made 2 calculated columns where. =SUM (SUMIFS (D2:D28, A2:A28, G2, B2:B28, G3:H3) ) If you are running the legacy version of Excel, you will need to substitute the ENTER key with a CTRL-Shift-Enter key combination when you finalize the formula. Using SUMIF, you can add values in the Sales column for products that meet certain conditions in the other columns. Criteria: a condition that will be applied in the range is defined by criteria. SUMIF Multiple Conditions. 3. Sumifs with muitiple criteria based on a cell. I have tried summing index-matches, sumifs, aggregates, summing sumif, summing vlookups & hlookups, and I either get errant values or I get the first value (for example, store A would return 0 for 7/8 & Store G would return -3,291) =SUMIF ($1:$1,B22,INDEX. criteria_range2: The second column, which. The steps below will walk through the process. SUMIFS + INDEX + MATCH with Multiple Criteria. Column B - Product Code Column C - Volume. So by using VBA in build function Application. You can use the SUMIF function to sum up a range of numbers that meet certain criteria. When you are looking to sum numbers in one column when another column is equal to either A or B, the most obvious solution is to handle each condition individually, and then add the results together: SUMIF (range, criteria1, sum_range) + SUMIF (range, criteria2, sum_range) In the table below, suppose you want to add up sales for two different. In this example, let’s use the criteria of Full Name and Department to look for an employee’s ID number. For multiple OR criteria in the same field, use multiple SUMIF functions: Formula 1: SUMIF + SUMIF. It gives the same result as above. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range, or a label of a. Any idea? Problem with Excel SUMIFS Function While Using Multiple Criteria in the Same Range of a Column. Select the first range to which you want to apply the first criterion. If you want to sum numbers that meet either of the criteria (OR logic) from multiple criteria, you can add up several SUMIF functions in a single formula, the generic syntax is: =SUMIF (criteria_range, criteria1, sum_range)+SUMIF (criteria_range, criteria2, sum_range)+…. 4), (John and 511. So, in this example, select cell E4. Practical example #1. I guess this is not the fastest way to execute SUMIFS, but it's a replicate of the excel function " =SUMIFS () ". Now, let’s take a look at some SUMIFS examples below in VBA. SUMIF & SUMIFS in Google Sheets: Formula & Examples - Select Sum Range. Example 2: Apply SUMPRODUCT IF Formula with Multiple Criteria in Different Columns. Normally, SUMIFS is used with data in a vertical arrangement, but it can also be used in cases where data is arranged horizontally. For example, the A1:A20 range. g. Then wrap with "SUM" function. Excel: Sum based on criteria (SUMIF) 1. When multiple conditions and columns exist, SUMIF(VLOOKUP) is used to perform numerous calculations on the Excel sheet. Method 1: Use SUMIFS Function to Sum Between Two Dates. – Syntax of the formula: =SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]) + SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]) + SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]) Range: Cells that you want to evaluate for the criteria. If [TestName] = "XMods And More", [Success] = "TRUE" then get SUM of Count. I am needing some assistance with Sumifs with multiple criteria from multiple sheets. The only numbers left are the multiplied by 1, in this case, month 6. To include 5 and 10 in the count, use the "greater than or equal to" and "less than or equal to" operators: =COUNTIFS (B2:B10,">=5", B2:B10,"<=10") Formula 2. Here, we can use two SUMIF functions for two different criteria & then simply add the resultant values. To include 5 and 10 in the count, use the "greater than or equal to" and "less than or equal to" operators: =COUNTIFS (B2:B10,">=5", B2:B10,"<=10") Formula 2. The pattern of the SUMIFS function looks like this:. Column where value to sum: Select the column that captures the values that you want to sum if a set criteria is met by changing column reference "C", in ws. For example, I have the following data range, now, I would like to get the total orders of the product KTE and KTO in January. Try this formula as shown in image below, • Formula used in cell B6. Modified 30 days ago. The following SUMIFS VBA code sums the Order Total for orders with numbers less than 1004006. Sample table for SUMIF combined with multiple criteria. are in a group of functions that do not support 3D. This new lookup column is illustrated in column B below: Now we have a single lookup column that can be used with a traditional lookup function such as VLOOKUP. Select a cell and type “=SUMPRODUCT (“ to start the function. criteria_range1: The column which includes the first criteria values. In this example, you can sum the total values for each row first, please type this formula: =sum (B2:D2), then drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, and the total values of each row will be displayedsee screenshot: key on the keyboard. One of the formulas I try using is =sumifs(Sheet2!D2:D, A2:A = Sheet2!A2:A, Sheet2!B2:B = 2020, B2:B, Sheet2!C2:C) but I get the error "Array. We’ll find. . The position of the arguments is different depending on how you use the SUMIF function and so you should take note if. Next, in the third argument (criteria), enter (“>=”&DATE (2022,1,1)) to. Example: I want to add the negative values in A1, C2, E1, K42 and M5. Step 01: Creating Drop-Down List to Select Month. ATTENTION: If you would like to give more details to your question, use edit in question or add a comment below. Type a comma (,) to separate the first argument. dataframe is the input dataframe. We can sum multiple columns on one condition without using SUMIF function. We work out of a install and completed sheet for scheduling. , “Sun”, and then sums the columns. It looks for cells containing the country name UK in the cell range C2:F2 (row 2) and the Apple brand in the cell range B3:B11 (column B). Index. Note: this formula requires Dynamic. Sheets("Vancity Trans"). GL-2013-01 GL-2013-02 Apples 5 1 Apples 10 4 Oranges 6 2 Oranges 11 5 Pears 7 3 Pears 12 6 Hello, I would like to be able to use a formula to SUMIF based on both the values in column A and row 1; something like (if it would work). Sheets comparison earlier – How Sumif Function Differed in Excel and Google Sheets. Step 3: Click OK. I have mentioned this in my Excel vs. The three classes are another breakdown of how labor + materials + travel are used. The SUMIFS function is Google Sheets is designed to sum numbers with multiple conditions. Any idea?The SUMIFS function is Google Sheets is designed to sum numbers with multiple conditions. 1. Looking at the image of Formula AutoComplete and the list of arguments, in our example sum_rangeis D2:D11, the column of numbers you want to sum; criteria_range1is A2. SUMIF is a function that sums the values in a specified range, based on one criterion. This function uses the following syntax: SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criterion1, criteria_range2, criterion2,. 3. I got a simple data table and wanted to sum up the values only if two criterias are both matched, which are located in 2 different columns of each table row. . Excel Sum Based on Multiple Column and Row Criteria. Steps: First, select the multiple rows with the blank cells. My formula is =SUM(SUMIFS(Report!G:G,Report!G:G," Forums. In pre-dynamic versions of Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013 and earlier, it should be entered as an array formula with the Ctrl + Shift + Enter shortcut: How this formula works: An array constant. table would be the most typical. SUMPRODUCT count multiple OR criteria. Note that the SUMIFS function is not case-sensitive. The “<>” would set the argument in this way. In addition to the value in column K needing to begin with "B", the value in column L also needs to be 80. Syntax =SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]) Where . SUMIFS lets you have up to 127 different sets of criteria_range and criteria. The SUMIFS function, one of the math and trig functions, adds all of its arguments that meet multiple criteria. Method 3: SUMIFS Function to Sum Between Two Dates with Additional Criteria. Data Validation The data validation in excel helps control the kind of input entered by a user in the worksheet. The SUMIF function in Excel with multiple criteria and SUMIFS can perform price calculations taking into account dates. SUMIFS for multiple criteria. In. This range contains the product names (and we want to sum up the sales for apples only). Here, we can use two SUMIF functions for two different criteria & then simply add the resultant values. For multiple OR criteria in the same field, use multiple SUMIF functions: Formula 1: SUMIF + SUMIFSum cells with multiple OR criteria in one column with formulas. Suppose you want to sum orders’ amounts for either of the products “Orange” and “Apple” supplied as criteria in array constant then you need to provide multiple criteria in SUMIFS function as follows; =SUM (SUMIFS (D2:D22,B2:B22, {"Orange","Apple"})) Remember, you cannot use an expression or cell reference an array constant. SUMIFS accepts one or more conditions. Alternative #2: Using SUMPRODUCT Function in Excel 2007 or Later Versions. The sum_range can be a single column or row, or multiple. 2. Nesting INDEX and MATCH Functions inside the SUM Function. New posts Search forums. I need to sum the values of several columns, if other cells in the same row match a predefined criteria. criterion – The pattern or test to apply to criteria_column. You can see, we inserted two commas (,) there. I would like to make my formula adaptable to changes. SUMIFS is an Excel function used to find conditional sums with multiple conditions. We could then use the SUMIF function to add up the numbers in that column that match our criteria that the city must equal St Louis. 1. I would like to be able to just input any number of columns to be summed, based on Criteria x from Criteria_Range1 and on Criteria y. If you use a SUMIF then you can total the columns. Instead of using multiple sumifs statement, is there any way to select multiple cell in different column in one criteria. I can do this by adding SUMIF multiple times for each column, I am trying to find more efficient way to do it as this sheet will expand a lot and single formula will then go in multiple lines. . Earlier we used =SUMIF (A2:A7, "Biscuits", B2:B7) to get the total cost of Biscuits. As an argument for SUMPRODUCT, type the sum range and multiply it by the criteria range. Sum cells with multiple OR criteria in one column with formulas. How to Use SUMIFS for Date Range with Multiple Criteria: 7 Quick Methods. Hi, My goal is to add all the cells of a columns and the subtract the sum of cells of several other columns, meeting a certain criterion. Hi guys, I have a table and I need to sum different criterias in the same column and 1 criteria in other column. Sumif and filter using regexmatch with multiple criteria. While MMULTI would need m x n memory to store the mask and m x n x p additional multiplications, each SUMIF will repeat the criteria comparison with m x n x (p-1) more cell reads and (slow text?) comparisons. Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Plums, Apples, Oranges, Bananas. That range is where Google Sheets will look when it matches the criterion. Sum under two conditions. Use your mouse to drag and highlight (or type out) the alphanumeric range of cells that you’d like to sum up based on your criterion. Essentially the values in the check box need to work as OR criteria (i. Therefore, we have to add a helper column to sum the range of multiple columns. 5. 3. when using the sumif and indirect function with 1 column, the formula perfectly works well. Returns a conditional sum of a data column depending on multiple criteria. Using base-r, dplyr and data. Data & Analytics Consultant. 2. Let’s see how. List. [Victor’s Note: Remember that DSUM does require a separate range of cells to define the. The syntax of the SUMIFS Formula is, The arguments of the SUMIFS Formula are, sum_range: The cells or range of cells that you want to SUM. 2 Specify the lookup data, output range and the data table range in the Select Range section; 2. Data Structure. The criteria argument is the criteria F2. Must Read: Sumif When Multiple Criteria in the Same Column in Google Sheets. . The SUMIFS() function in action. This is one of the best and also my recommend option to use as an alternative to Sumif with multiple sum columns in Google Sheets. data,3,FALSE), training. With a single condition, the generic syntax for SUMIFS looks like this: =SUMIFS(sum_range,range1,criteria1) // 1 conditionAdditional pairs of criteria_range and criteria can be added, to sum based on multiple criteria ; These arguments can be cell references, or can be typed into the formula. The syntax for it is: =SUMIF([sum_range], criteria, [criteria_range])I have an excel sheet and am attempting to incorporate a SUMIFS formula which would check one column for an condition then check another group of columns to see in the match a condition in order to sum all the values which are > 50000 in the group of columns then multiply those values by 0. criterion – it is a condition. 903. 2. Concatenate the Lookup Columns. This is a function that adds values that meet multiple criteria. sum_range is required. Required: sum_range: Range of cells: The range of cells that you want to add up. In this case, it’s different from the sum range, as I want to check the product column. 📌 Steps: First, select cell G18, and type: =SUMPRODUCT (-- (B5:B27=G12),-- (C5:C27=G13)) Then, press ENTER, and you’ll see the result right away. The below example sums the values from cells A1 to A6 if it is less than 20. What we want to apply here is the AND Logic, See that both in Query and SUMIF. Add 2nd criteria of range E5:E13 that contains the price. e. Select a cell and type “=SUMPRODUCT (“ to start the function. 00, the sum of the. Excel SUMIFS multiple columns plus extra criteria. 1. Step 3: Select “ data validation. SUMIFS — This function now applies the multiple criteria to the summation analysis. In simple terms, in Prod sheet, products being used will sum in "Out" and produced in "In" column. 2. A2:C:10 doesn't work). COUNTIF formulas to count numbers between X and Y. Be careful with this syntax, you can only have at most two criteria within the formula with "OR" conditions. While working with both AND & OR criteria, we have to use the SUM function outside the COUNTIFS function as here the COUNTIFS function will return will multiple results that need to be added up. Plus symbol (+) is used as the OR operator. Sum_range: the sum range. The other value is 4 so I would like the count in Sheet1 to show 7 instead of 3. Sum column B if the values in Column A is “Info Inspired” and Column C is 90. SUMIF accepts a single condition. But how can you use the SUMIFS function to not just sum based on criteria, but also sum different columns based on the column header? This video shows you how you can sum different columns based on user selection. MinProcessDateTime is the EARLIEST Date recorded for a CaseID - in this case it is 2/01/2023, however this list is larger so there are more dates captured here. Here we will use SUMPRODUCT function of excel. .